Saturday, February 27, 2010

Kyler 11 Months

Kyler's 1st birthday is almost here...hard to believe! Kyler has been very mobile this month even though he is not quite walking yet. He loves to push around his bus all over the house. The only problem is he is not quite sure how to turn it around once he bumps into something, which is often! He just turns around and looks at us like, "Someone help me out here..." He continues to eat everything we allow him to and makes all kinds of noises while he eats, that boy loves his food! He is "talking" more and more and seems like he really tries to imitate some of the words that we say to him. There is enough talking in this house for now, so I'm not rushing anything along! : )

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Oh, Kyler...

So, Kyler loves to get into everything and I mean everything! He gets into things that I don't even think about putting up or hiding. We didn't have this "problem" with Kayla so we are slowly learning to survey a room before we let him loose. Needless to say, we have discovered that the bathroom door needs to be shut! Gotta love boys!!

Go, Kayla!

Kayla got a soccer ball and net from Grandma Nette for Christmas and we can enjoy it now that the weather is warming up. Kayla is so intense when she is kicking the ball and seems to really take it seriously. Maybe soccer will be her sport...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Meet Annabelle

As many of you know, Kayla has a new obsession. She is no longer obsessed with princesses, her new love is her doll, Annabelle. I got Kayla this doll two years ago but she just recently rediscovered it at the bottom of her gigantic basket of babies. She fell in love with it and seriously takes this baby everywhere. She sleeps with it, takes it to the potty with her, takes her when she brushes her teeth, she sits at the table with get the point. She got the name Annabelle from her favorite book, "Little Mommy". Kayla literally refers to this book when playing with her babies. She will lay all of her babies in their own little crib and Kayla will put a blanket on them but the blanket has to be pulled up to their chins just like in the book AND the babies have to be laying next to each other in the same order that they are lined up in the book. She makes "real" food for Annabelle by putting water and what ever random sprinkles and crackers I will let her combine in a bowl, it is disgusting!!! Then she takes the dishes and literally washes them in the bathroom sink. This is what she does ALL day long! Grandma Jean got Kayla and Annabelle matching dresses and Kayla couldn't have been more excited!

Just for Fun!

I have taken some random pictures over the past few weeks and just thought I would post of few, or several...okay, a lot! As you will notice from many of the pictures, Kayla LOVES to pose for the camera while Kyler wants nothing to do with taking any pictures. He is squirming to get away before I even get a chance to try and put him on the ground.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Kyler 10 Months

I can't believe that Kyler is already 10 months! Time flies! He is developing quite the personality and once he can start walking, I think that I will have my hands full! Kyler loves to explore and play with anything that is NOT a toy! He favorite activities/things to play with are: Kayla's tike-light (night light),taking movies out of the entertainment center, trying to get moss out of all the silk plants, playing with Kayla, trying to get to the dog dishes and chewing on the remote. Kyler is playing for longer periods of time by himself and loves to play with his sister! He will follow her around the house and loves to be where she is at. Kyler loves to look at books and his favorite book is one of the books that daddy reads to him every night, "Daddy Hugs". If I try to read him another book at nap time, he reaches for the book and then smiles as soon as I start reading it. It is really cute. I think he likes it so much because the daddy in the book kind of looks like Eric. Kyler loves to EAT! He is going to eat us out of house and home when he starts eating "grown up" food. He gets really excited when we are getting his meals ready. He starts to flap his arms around, makes the "mmmmmmm" noise and kicks his legs. It is so funny! Kyler will pretty much eat anything we give him. That boy is going to out weigh his sister before we know it! Kyler is starting to show signs that he will be walking soon. He is cruising a lot more and holds on to objects with one hand and sometimes leans against the couch without holding on at all. Kyler is such a sweetheart and it is so fun to watch him develop his own personality!

Kyler "Helps" with the Dishes

While I was putting away dishes, Kyler decided that he wanted to help. By helping, I mean making it impossible to put away the dishes without him trying to crawl inside the dishwasher. So after many attempts of moving him away, I just gave up and decided to let him crawl in and took some pictures.

Future Teacher

Kayla loves to play teacher. Maybe because she has a fantastic preschool teacher (heehee) or because in her FAVORITE book (that she literally sleeps with) the little girl pretends that she is a teacher. Either way, it is sooo cute to listen to her pretend that she is the teacher.


The rain finally stopped so we decided to enjoy the sunshine. We took the kids (and Kayla's baby, Annabelle) to the park on Sunday. Kyler had so much fun playing in the sand and throwing it around, of course! Kayla had fun pushing Annabelle on the swings, taking her down the slide and "changing her diaper" on the park benches. In case you haven't noticed, Annabelle is her new obsession. We love being outdoors and had a great time at the park.