Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010

Williams Family Christmas

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A Day of Fun in the Snow

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Kyler 9 Months

Kyler is such a busy little boy!! He is full of smiles, energy and food! Kyler is crawling all over the house and we are quickly discovering all the baby proofing that we need to do. He is very curious about his surrounding and loves to play with anything that is not a toy. I will literally spread toys out in the room he is in so no matter which direction he goes, there will be a toy to play with but he just usually crawls over the toy to get to the DVD's or dog food. This boy loves to eat and he eats a lot. We have introduced him to little pieces of cheese, toast, pear and muffin and he loves it! He kind of drinks orange juice out of the sippy at breakfast but mostly chews on it and loves to see how many times he can throw it on the floor and I pick it up for him. He pulls himself up into the standing position and is just now starting to cruise. If he is standing close enough to another object, he will hold on with one and hand and move himself over to the new object. So, I predict he will be trying to walk here pretty soon...heaven help us! Just like his sister, Kyler loves to talk up a storm. He babbles all of the time and we think that he says, "mama" "dada" "aisy" (short for Daisy)"doggie" "aya" (using yellling this and we think this is Kayla). Kyler has quite the personality and his favorite person is still his sister! He loves to play with her and Kayla usually loves to play with him but she gets pretty irritated with him when he continues to "steal" her toys. Kyler just had his 9 month check up and weighs 19lbs 15oz and is 29 1/4 inches long. He is one big and happy boy!!