Sunday, November 22, 2009

Kayla's 4th Birthday Party

Kayla celebrated her 4th Birthday with friends and family at Playtopia Park. Playtopia is Kayla's favorite park and she had so much fun riding her bike and playing with all of her friends! Kayla received so many nice gifts and is such a lucky little girl to be surrounded by so many people that love her and came to celebrate her special day!!

Thanksgiving Projects

Kayla has had fun being creative making some Thanksgiving projects. Kayla loves to do projects! She loves to cut paper and ribbons and glue them on paper, and thinks her project is extra cool if she gets to use mommy's scrapbooking supplies. So, one day last week when the kiddos were sick and we were stuck indoors, we decorated a turkey. Kayla hunted around the house for things that we could decorate her turkey feathers with and it turned out pretty cute!! Kayla also went over to her friend, Emmy's house to make a turkey using her foot and hand prints. It also turned out very cute! Doesn't Kyler look so cute sitting in the background of the picture with Kayla holding up the turkey?

Kyler 8 Months

Kyler has had quite the busy month! He started crawling just a few days ago!! He has been so close for so long but just couldn't get one leg out from underneath him. He has also begun pulling himself up on anything he can get a hold of. Kyler still does not have any teeth quite yet but his bottom tooth is making a slow appearance. There is a little slit in his gums so it should be any day now that Kyler gets his first tooth.

Sing-a-long with Kayla

Kayla loves to sing to Kyler and one of Kyler's favorite songs is pattycake. Kyler seems to be enjoying it and is probably thinking to himself, this girl sounds much better than mommy!

Monday, November 2, 2009


This year for Halloween, Kayla dressed up as Dorothy and Kyler was the Scarecrow. Grandma Nette made Kayla's costume and it looked sooo cute! And who else would be the perfect Toto but Doggie Baby, of course! Kayla even decorated Doggie Baby with Halloween stickers and tied yarn around her ears. It was so funny! We went over to the Blawat's to decorate cookies, eat some chili and then head out to trick-or-treat. The girls were extremely excited to go and get lots of candy. Kayla and Lexi had the "trick-or-treat" part down but didn't quite understand the, "just take one" policy. It was really funny and people got a kick out of them helping themselves to the candy. They did have excellent manners and always remembered to say, "thank you". This was the best Halloween I think Kayla has ever had has far as houses being decorated and the amount of people that were out trick-or-treating. Kyler was a trooper and loved kicking back in the stroller just watching all of the excitement.