Monday, October 19, 2009

Schnepf Farms

We decided to visit Schnepf on a ridiculously HOT day! Despite the heat, we had so much fun watching Lexi and Kayla playing together and spending time with the Blawat Family. Kayla was chosen as a Pig Leader to cheer on the pigs during the pig races. I don't think she was quite sure what was going on! Kyler even got to experience his first ride! You can kind of see his head sitting next to Eric on the bee ride.

A Day at the Park

We love spending time outdoors and since the weather (until recently) hasn't been too bad, we have been going to the park a lot. At our trip to the park, Kayla brought along her baby in the stroller that she wanted to push while I pushed Kyler in the stroller. Kyler loves looking around and had so much fun watching Kayla feed the ducks.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Our trip to Disneyland!

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Flower Girl

We recently went to California for my friend, Aubrey's wedding. The wedding was on Laguna Beach and was absolutely gorgeous! I was honored to be one of Aubrey's bridesmaids and Aubrey asked Kayla to be the Flower Girl. Kayla was sooo excited when she found out that she was going to be in Aubrey's wedding. She practiced at home by walking around really slow and would throw crayons (go figure) from her purse. When we went shopping with Aubrey for flower girl dresses, Kayla made a beeline to the puffiest dress on the rack. She had her heart set on that dress and asked Aubrey and her mom what shoes she was going to wear and how was she going to do her hair because she wanted to wear a crown. What a little diva! She was real sweet about it all but what can we say; the girl loves to dress up and has a sense of style! Kayla did a great job at the wedding and laid down a beautiful path of flowers on the beach for Aubrey to walk down the aisle on.