Monday, December 7, 2009

APS Festival of Lights

We took the kids to see the APS Festival of Lights parade in Phoenix. The floats were really pretty and Kayla loved the marching bands! Despite the crowd, the music, and the horns honking, Kyler slept most of the time. The past two nights we have bundled up and gone out to look at lights and while I really enjoy looking at lights, I'm reminded of how much I hate to be cold and I'm sooo glad that I live in Arizona!!

St. Nicks Lights

My friend, Brenda and I took the kids to see St. Nicks Lights. It was really cold out but the kids were bundled up and had fun looking at the huge light displays and riding the train.

A Baby on a Mission

We all know how much Kyler loves his food and the series of pictures that Eric captured is proof! While watching a movie, Kayla was eating popcorn and Kyler was eating his puffs. Kyler gets a whiff of Kayla's delicious popcorn and can't seem to focus on the movie or his puffs, all he wants is some of what sister's got in her bowl! The look of determination on Kyler's face just cracks me up!! I think my favorite picture is last one when Kyler realizes that he has had enough of these puffs and dumps his bowl of puffs out in hopes that someone will fill it with the good stuff! Another funny story from this night was after Kayla finished all of her popcorn and told Eric that she wanted to save the kernels so she could plant a popcorn tree. Too cute!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Zoo Lights

The day after Thanksgiving is filled with traditions for our family. I avoid Black Friday at all cost! Eric puts up Christmas lights and I turn on the Christmas music and decorate the inside of the house. This year, we joined up with the Blawat Family and went to Zoo Lights, too. It was really crowded but not as cold as it is when we usually go a little later in the month. The hit of the night for the girls was the "talking giraffe" and Kyler really seemed to enjoy looking around at the lights.

Thanksgiving Day

We spent Thanksgiving Day at my parents house. We had a great time visiting, eating, playing games, eating, and more eating. Dinner was delicious and we were thankful that we were able to spend the day with our family. By the way, I only lost by one point in the ping-pong match. Darn it!!

Cutie Pies

It is so fun to watch Kayla and Kyler together. They love each other so much and get so excited when they are around each other. For some reason now that Kyler can crawl around, Kayla seems to think that he can understand what what she is telling him to do and where to go. She loves to play house with him and it is so nice that they can (kind of) play together!


Kyler has discovered that he can play peek-a-boo. He will put anything in front of his face or over his head and then pull it down and just smile. Even if the object does not cover his face, (like the rattle) he still thinks that we can't see him. It is so funny!

BIG Smiles

Even with a face full of food and drool, Kyler still gives us his big and cheesy smile! We love it!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Kayla's 4th Birthday Party

Kayla celebrated her 4th Birthday with friends and family at Playtopia Park. Playtopia is Kayla's favorite park and she had so much fun riding her bike and playing with all of her friends! Kayla received so many nice gifts and is such a lucky little girl to be surrounded by so many people that love her and came to celebrate her special day!!